Saturday, 30 August 2014

Sharon & Graham, St Nicholas Church, Gt Yarmouth.

Well, the big day has finally arrived for this fun-loving couple. Sharon & Graham have had their share of challenges getting this gig off the ground, thanks to the sudden closure of Caldecott Hall, which put the plans for their big day into chaos.

Luckily, the Comfort Hotel in Gt Yarmouth were able to offer their services for the reception so the day could go ahead.  The ceremony was held at St Nicholas Church Gt Yarmouth, otherwise known as Gt Yarmouth Minster. Quite simply, a stunning building, boasting the largest floor plan for a parish  church in England.

Here's a selection of shots from the day....

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Katie & Jamie's wedding, Gorleston, Norfolk

11am, Saturday 9th August. We are at the brides home, with lots going on in the run up to the 1pm  ceremony in Gorleston.  Although busy, Katie seems to be taking it all in her stride at the moment.

Here's a couple of prep shots so far...

Bridegroom Jamie at the church

Katie with her dad Philip, about to go into the church. The look says it all...

Never let your best man near your shoes before a wedding lol!!

Husband and wife, the walk down the aisle. Cautionary tale over-enthusiastic guest with an iPhone camera could potentially cause the official photographer and videographer to miss these vital story-book shots !!!

This was shot later in the day on Gt Yarmouth beach near the Winter gardens. I did a bit or work on this with Photoshop, mainly to remove the rubbish left on the beach by holidaymakers !

Thanks to Katie & Jamie for a great shoot, and congratulations to them both.

More to come soon!