Thursday, 31 July 2014

Sarah & Barry at The Old Rectory, Norwich

Sarah & Barry took the unusual step of choosing to get married on a Sunday. The big day is on 3rd August and the ceremony will be taking place at Lowestoft's highest geographical point - St Margarets Church.

I met the couple for our pre-wedding planning meeting two weeks ago at Parkhill. We decided to do a couple of pre wedding shots there. Even though it was an extremely hot and bright sunny day, the spot we found proved to be great for some personal shots.
Here's some pics from the shoot.

And heres' some of the big day!

These were taken once the dress was on, and as Sarah was putting the final touches to her wedding ensemble.  Both were unposed shots. I was just waiting for the right look, then click, there it was !

I shot this as Sarah and her dad arrived at the church in the Merc. 
Far from looking nervous, she looked radiant and gorgeous !

This was shot as the couple came to the front door to exit the church. I stopped them momentarily to set this shot up while the guests waited in the church. It requires just a bit of patience from the guests, but its a one-in-a-lifetime shot.

The reception took place at the Old Rectory hotel on the North Walsham Road just outside of Norwich.  The venue has beautiful gardens and a large patio and outdoor seating area just off the breakfast room. Just right for the wedding guests to enjoy the warm summer evening.

Barry and Sarah had a huge list of requested shots on their wish list.  Many more than I usually recommend,  but everyone seemed to enjoy the photography element of their day !

here's a couple of shots taken away from the guests in a quiet moment with the bride and groom alone.

Congratulations to a fabulous couple !

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Lisa & Ross at Dunston Hall.

This was a big wedding! Lisa is a girl with a big family, a big bubbly personality and knows exactly what she wants. The couple had had their heart set on a big day, so chose the iconic Roman Catholic cathedral as the setting for the ceremony, and the stylish Dunston Hall for the reception.

Here's some memories of the day.

Under the tree stump at Dunston

More to come shortly !

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Heather & Karl's Wedding at the Cliff Hotel

It's another bright sunny day for a wedding ! I'm now about to head off to the Cliff hotel to meet Heather and her bridesmaids, and the mayhem of getting ready for the big event. The Cliff hotel commands a great spot overlooking the Gorleston Pavilion, so we'll be shooting some pics down on the beach later.

Here's a couple of pics taken at a pre wedding shoot we did a couple of weeks ago at a great spot near Filby.

Karl & Heather have just tied the knot ! The ceremony was at 3pm. 

Heather looked gorgeous, but the other star of the show was her Nan. she looked radiant and  clearly was loving every second of her granddaughters big day !

Heather and Karl wanted some pics away from the guests down on the beach. Here's a couple of shots from the session straight off the camera.

Heather told me that they would like to have a blessing one day on a Caribbean beach, so I set this shot up for them.....

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Camilla & Kane's wedding in Oulton Broad

Phew what a scorcher !!!! 400 degrees in the shade and full sun, cloudless sky. Nice if you are in the Burmuda shorts, sucking down a cold beer. Not so nice if you are in morning suit trying to get your wedding guests to line up for your photos !

Camilla and Kane took my advice about the line -up shots and kept it to an essential few. Most of the day was reportage and informal. Despite the heat, they were a really good couple to work with and we got some great memories for them. this shot was off the cuff unposed, and captured while they were working with my good friend Shaun from VisionVid on their video.

We'll post some more soon.!

Check out the new website at

Friday, 18 July 2014

Camilla & Kane

Camilla & Kane
Some pics taken at their pre wedding shoot last week at Everitt's park Oulton Broad. The wedding is today at Corton Methodist church, wit the reception at Parkhill. It's going to be a scorcher of a day, with the weather forecast hinting at the hottest day of the year!